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Comilla District: Exploring Ancient Ruins and Notable Personalities

Comilla District in Bangladesh is a captivating region that beckons exploration with its ancient ruins and the presence of remarkable personalities. Steeped in a rich history that spans dynasties and empires, there is much to uncover about its past. From the ancient Buddhist monastery ruins in Mainamati to the Comilla Jagannath Temple, the district boasts an array of intriguing landmarks that offer a glimpse into its vibrant cultural heritage. But it is not just the remnants of the past that make Comilla remarkable; the district has also produced notable individuals in various fields, leaving a lasting impact on music, politics, journalism, and social activism. As we delve into the depths of Comilla's history and uncover the stories of its remarkable personalities, we will be transported to a world that is both captivating and inspiring.

History and Geography

Comilla District, with its rich historical past and diverse geographical features, has played a significant role in shaping the cultural and political landscape of Bangladesh. The district was once under the rule of ancient Samatata and later became part of the state of Tripura. During the fifth century AD, Gupta emperors ruled Tripura, followed by the Buddhist Deva dynasty from the seventh to the middle of the eighth century. In the tenth and mid-eleventh century AD, Comilla came under the control of the kings of Harikela. Geographically, Comilla is primarily plain land, with major rivers such as the Gumti and the Little Feni passing through. The district experiences hot summers and cold winters. Understanding the history and geography of Comilla is crucial in appreciating its cultural and political significance.

Administration and Population

How is the administrative structure and population of Comilla District organized? The administrative headquarters of Comilla are located in the city of Comilla. It consists of one municipality, 18 wards, 19 union parishads, 452 mouzas, and 458 villages. The district has a total of 1,407,368 households. The population of Comilla District is 6,212,216.

To further emphasize the organization of the administrative structure and population, the following table provides a visual representation:

Administrative Structure Population
Municipality 1
Wards 18
Union Parishads 19
Mouzas 452
Villages 458

The district has experienced significant population growth over the years, which has necessitated the provision of various government services to cater to the needs of its residents. These services include healthcare facilities, educational institutions, transportation infrastructure, and utilities. The government of Comilla District plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient delivery of these services to the population.


The economy of Comilla District is primarily based on agriculture, with trade and cottage industries, particularly the Khadi textile, also playing a significant role in its economic growth. The district is known for its fertile land, which supports the cultivation of various crops such as rice, jute, wheat, and vegetables. The agricultural sector employs a significant portion of the local population and contributes to the district's overall economic development. Additionally, Comilla is home to the Comilla Export Processing Zone, established by the Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority. This zone has provided employment opportunities for thousands of people and has helped boost the district's economy. With its focus on agriculture and cottage industries, Comilla District continues to thrive and contribute to the overall economic growth of the region.

Places of Interest

A visit to Comilla District unveils a treasure trove of fascinating landmarks and historical sites. Here are three notable places of interest that will captivate any visitor:

  1. Ancient Buddhist Monastery Ruins: Comilla is home to the renowned Mainamati archaeological site, where ancient Buddhist monastery ruins can be found. These ruins date back to the 7th to 12th centuries and offer a glimpse into the rich Buddhist heritage of the region. The intricate carvings and architectural remnants are a testament to the grandeur of the past.
  2. Comilla Jagannath Temple: Situated in the heart of Comilla, the Jagannath Temple is an ancient Hindu temple that holds great religious significance. Dedicated to Lord Jagannath, this temple is known for its stunning architecture and intricate craftsmanship. The vibrant festivals and religious ceremonies held here attract devotees from near and far.
  3. Mainamati War Cemetery: Located near Comilla Cantonment, the Mainamati War Cemetery is a solemn memorial to the soldiers who lost their lives during the Second World War. This beautifully maintained cemetery serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by brave individuals in the pursuit of peace.

These places of interest offer a glimpse into Comilla's rich history and cultural heritage, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and spiritual seekers alike.

Notable Personalities

Who are some of the notable personalities from Comilla District? The district of Comilla has been home to several individuals who have made significant impact and contributions, shaping the cultural and social fabric of the region. Sudhin Das, a renowned Swaralipikar of Nazrul Sangeet, was awarded the prestigious Ekushe Padak for his contributions to music. Dhirendranath Datta, a political leader and Language Movement activist, played a crucial role in advocating for the rights of the Bengali language. Akhtar Hameed Khan, a social reformer and development activist, pioneered the concept of microcredit and established the Comilla Model for rural development. These notable personalities, along with others such as Muhammad Hasanuzzaman, Kazi Shamsul Hoque, and Abul Manzoor, have left a lasting legacy in Comilla District, enriching its cultural heritage and inspiring future generations.


Continuing the exploration of notable personalities from Comilla District, their contributions have undoubtedly shaped the cultural and social landscape of the region, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. From Sudhin Das, the Swaralipikar of Nazrul Sangeet, to Akhtar Hameed Khan, the social reformer and development activist, these individuals have made significant impacts in various fields. The district is not just known for its notable personalities, but also for its ancient ruins. The Mainamati Buddhist monastery ruins, located in Mainamati, are a major attraction for history enthusiasts. These ancient ruins provide a glimpse into the rich heritage and architectural marvels of the past. Comilla District is truly a treasure trove of historical significance and remarkable individuals who have left an indelible mark on the region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Main Export Product From the Comilla Export Processing Zone?

The main export product from the Comilla Export Processing Zone is garments. This industry has had a significant economic impact on the district, providing employment opportunities for thousands of people. The Comilla Export Processing Zone, spread over 104.44 hectares, is managed by the Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority. The zone has attracted numerous garment factories and has become a key player in the country's textile and apparel sector. The export of garments from the zone has contributed to the growth and development of the district's economy.

What Is the Population Density of Comilla District?

The population density of Comilla District is calculated by dividing the total population of the district by its total area. As of the latest available data, the population of Comilla District is 6,212,216 and its total area is 3146.30 square kilometers. Therefore, the population density of Comilla District can be calculated as approximately 1,973 persons per square kilometer. It is worth noting that Comilla District is known for its rich history and archaeological sites, including ancient ruins and historical landmarks and monuments.

How Many Households Are There in the Municipality of Comilla?

In the municipality of Comilla, there are a total of 18 wards and 1,407,368 households. Comilla is a district known for its rich historical landmarks and the exploration of local culture. The district is home to ancient ruins, such as the Mainamati Buddhist monastery ruins, which attract visitors interested in the region's history. The population density and the presence of notable personalities in Comilla add to the cultural significance of the municipality.

Which Major Rivers Pass Through Comilla District?

The major rivers that pass through Comilla District are the Gumti and the Little Feni. These rivers have played a significant role in shaping the geography and history of the region. The presence of these rivers has not only provided a source of livelihood for the people through activities such as fishing and agriculture, but they have also been a vital trade route in ancient civilizations. The banks of these rivers are home to ancient ruins and historical landmarks, making Comilla District a fascinating destination for those interested in exploring the rich history and heritage of the region.

What Is the Climate of Comilla Like Throughout the Year?

The climate of Comilla experiences variations throughout the year, with distinct weather patterns during different seasons. Summers in Comilla are hot, with temperatures often reaching high levels. Winters, on the other hand, are cold, with lower temperatures and occasional fog. The district also experiences a monsoon season, characterized by heavy rainfall. These climate variations contribute to the agricultural activities in the region, as well as shape the overall lifestyle and environment of Comilla.

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